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A Letter From Our Honorary Chairperson

- Nancy Ruttenberg

Nancy Ruttenberg (2nd from Left) and some of her new lifelong friends.

Why you need to find your Navy spouse “person” in San Diego and NOSC might be where you find them.

You may have seen our posts as you scroll through social media.  You may even hesitate ever so briefly as you see events like wine tasting at the beach or the book club, but then you catch yourself. Nope! You are not going to get involved. You’ve heard about these groups. You don’t need to get sucked into those doily loving, tea spilling, antiquated spouse clubs filled with biddies who are over involved in their spouses’ career. You have professional friends, school friends, and family friends.  You are doing just fine without Navy spouse friends. That’s what I thought too. That’s what everyone thinks until life happens and you need a “person”. A person who gets what a deployment is like. A person who understands that you are moving again and you need to reinvent your career path. A person who knows the challenges of educating special needs children in yet another state.

After being a Navy spouse for 30 years ( you could say I’m an old biddy but I do not like doilies), I couldn’t have survived without my Navy people. They were my first friends in every community I have moved to and now they are my forever friends. As an extra bonus, every time I join a new spouse club, I continue to find at least one person to add to my tribe. This ever growing tribe has helped me connect to new cities, new jobs, and a vast amount of resources that I didn’t know I needed.

Now that we have established that you need to find your San Diego Navy spouse person, why will that person be at a NOSC event? NOSC offers a variety of social events to any officer spouse. Our goal is to offer small group gatherings on a monthly basis and then at least 3 large events annually. We have members whose spouses serve in a variety of communities as well as members from other military services. We also run a shop called the Sand Dollar Too on North Island that provides scholarships to military dependents as well as grants to local charities. 100% of the revenue from the shop is donated to these scholarships. This year we provided $50,000 in scholarships and grants. As you can see we have a variety of ways to help you connect and find your person.   So please come join us. You need us and we need you.

- Nancy

“The ultimate touchstone of friendship is not improvement, neither of the other nor of the self, the ultimate touchstone is witness, the privilege of having been seen by someone and the equal privilege of being granted the sight of the essence of another, to have walked with them and to have believed in them, and sometimes just to have accompanied them for however brief a span, on a journey impossible to accomplish alone.”

- David Whyte

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Naval Air Station North Island

Coronado, CA 92118

*Base access required

Mailing Address:

941 Orange Ave, Box 233

Coronado, CA 92118

Phone: (619) 775-9547

This is a non-federal entity, not a part of the Department of Defense or any of its components, and has no governmental status.

Naval Officers' Spouses' Club of San Diego is recognized by the IRS as a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.